Protective Clothing

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Protective apparel is used to protect the wearer from the spread of infection or illness if the wearer comes into contact with potentially infectious materials (whether liquid or solid).

Protective apparel also helps prevent the wearer from transferring microorganisms to vulnerable patients, such as those with weakened immune systems.

The levels of protection of these items is defined as follows:

  • Level 1 - minimal risk. To be used during basic care, standard isolation, or for visitors.
  • Level 2 - low risk. To be used during blood draw, suturing, in the ICU, or a pathology lab.
  • Level 3 - moderate risk. To be used during arterial blood draw, inserting an IV line, in the Emergency Room, or for trauma cases.
  • Level 4 - high risk. To be used during long fluid-intense procedures, surgery, when pathogen resistance is needed or infectious diseases are suspected (non-airborne).